March, 2004 to March, 2007 – Vice President, Business Operations
Consenda Inc. is an American media software company that has developed online content and recommendation delivery platforms called NewsPoint.
NewsPoint is based on the “RSS” online publishing format, and custom branded versions of NewsPoint are licensed exclusively to traditional publishers, online publishers and media companies for distribution to their end users.
With a small management team, we completed the full steps of client and partnership development and product implentation.
This followed the full range of business development and client management steps, including such steps as the identification of partnership candidates, structuring the approach to potential partners, initiation of contacts, development of presentations and negotiation of partnerships, hands on negotiation of contracts, implementation of agreements, management of technology implementation, including liaising with and management of both technical departments, ongoing management of partnerships, including:
• Identification of partnership candidates,
• Structuring the approach to potential partners,
• Initiation of contacts,
• Development of presentations and negotiation of partnerships,
• Hands on negotiation of contracts,
• Implementation of agreements, including liaising with and management of both technical departments,
• Coordination with clients of all marketing and promotional messages for final users,
• Ongoing management of partnerships.
In two years, our signed clients are The Guardian of London, Los Angeles Times / Tribune Interactive, / American Lawyer, MacMillan publishing group and the local Swiss newspaper, GstaadLife. Our partnership pipeline is also well developed. Our work with publishers requires us to closely consult and assist them in developing their complete online strategies, in combination with their mainstream businesses.
In addition, we have signed multiyear partnerships with Yahoo!, the leading web portal and worldwide ad management and support company and with Publigroupe, the leading Swiss advertising management group.
During this period we also put together a powerful Advisory Board whose members have assisted us in moving the business forward.