October, 2004 to today – Founder and Managing Editor of Governance Focus weblog
The Governance Focus weblog (www.governancefocus.com/), focused on corporate and board governance, ethics, compliance, environment, development and social responsibility. Information is obtained from many sources for information, opinion and debate.
Un lugar de temas, ideas y debate sobre el buen gobierno de empresas y de Consejos, ética, medio ambiente, desarrollo y responsabilidad corporativa, a nivel mundial. La información y documentación proviene de muchas fuentes para el máximo de información, opinión y debate. In English & Español.
As part of Governance Focus, I have participated in consulting and conferences related to the areas of governance, ethics, the environment and business practices, social responsibility certification of business activities and consulting on company social community participation.
Have consulted on governance, CSR, online content and online community issues.