1995 to 1998 - Capital Markets and Corporate Finance, London, U.K.
Origination and full execution of equity and debt capital markets transactions, mergers and acquisitions, private equity, privatizations and project finance.
Advising international companies in their direct investments in Latin America and Central America, and of Latin American companies in their opening to foreign direct investment.
Coordination and overall management of the international investment banking and corporate finance activities of the BBVA financial group throughout Latin America, including Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Argentina. Local investment banking companies were made up of more than 75 executives and with approximately 12 direct reports.
Also, advising groups with industrial holdings/investments on their portfolio strategy, performance monitoring and on the industrial position of each individual company, including potential M&A and partnerships.
1991 to 1994 - Director of Corporate Finance, Madrid, Spain
Advising international companies investing in Spain in acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships as well as Spanish companies investing outside, particularly in Latin America. In addition to advisory in privatizations.